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We’re proud to offer the most exotic species of plants that come in a variety of unique shapes, textures, and colors. This allows you to make any living space look more beautiful and sophisticated.

Locate your plant species below to find out how to care for your new plant!

Tillandsia, Air Plants


Soak your new plants upside down in room temperature water for 20-40 minutes.


Air plants enjoy 70-80% humidity with daily (or so) misting. Give your plants a soak for 20 minutes weekly or bi-weekly. If you live somewhere humid, misting might be enough so you can skip soaking. Make sure your airplanes fully dry within 4 hours.


Most air plants enjoy indirect lighting (think 5-10’ from a window) where you can still see a shadow but not in direct sunlight.


Use 1/4 tsp bromeliad fertilizer with 1 gallon of spring water (never distilled) to either mist the plants once monthly or as the solution for their monthly soak. It’s very important to properly dilute the fertilizer mix in the water and be certain the plant fully dries within 2 hours.

Extra Care

Leaves turning brown?
This is likely due to poor airflow and over-watering. Allow your air plant to dry properly between waterings.

Leaves turning yellow:
Your plant may be getting too much direct sunlight. Move it away from the window or to a shadier spot.

Leaves starting to curl:
This is a sign that your plant needs more moisture. Try soaking it in lukewarm water instead of just misting with a spray bottle.

Plant starting to bloom:
With proper care, your air plant will bloom. Once it blooms, you may notice new "pups" growing from the parent plant. Separate them as desired or leave them to grow together.

Other Bromeliads

Neoregelia, Billbergia, Aechmea, Cryptanthus & Quesnelia


The ‘cup’ of the plant should be filled with tepid clean water upon arrival.


Bromeliads should be planted or mounted upright.


Bromeliads enjoy 70-80% humidity. Fill the ‘cup’ of the plant with tepid clean water every 1-2 weeks.


Most Bromeliads enjoy indirect lighting (think 5-10’ from a window) where you can still see a shadow but not in direct sunlight. These plants cannot tolerate direct sunlight and once they burn they will not recover.

Extra Care

Turning Green?
Bromeliads will turn green without strong indirect lighting, the plant is perfectly healthy in the purple, green or spotted states so long as it's still getting adequate airflow and the cup is consistently filled. Should you ever want your Fireball to turn bright red again, expose to stronger indirect lighting for a few days and enjoy!

Plant starting to bloom?
With the right TLC, your Bromeliad will bloom! Once the bloom has primed, you'll notice new "pups" clustering along the host plant, simply separate the pups as you like or enjoy the liter.

Cacti & Succulents.


Give the plant a thorough watering using room temperature water, and let the excess water drain away.


Cacti and succulents store water in their leaves and stems, so they don't need to be watered as often as other plants. In fact, overwatering is the most common cause of death for these types of plants. Wait until the soil is completely dry before watering and then give them a thorough soak, allowing the excess water to drain away.


Cacti and succulents need plenty of bright, direct sunlight to grow and stay healthy. Place them near a window that gets at least six hours of direct sunlight per day. If you don't have a sunny spot, you can use a grow light to supplement their light needs.


Cacti and succulents need well-draining soil that doesn't retain moisture. You can use a commercial cactus or succulent soil mix or make your own by adding sand or perlite to a regular potting mix.

Extra Care

Turning brown?
This could be a sign of overwatering, underwatering, or poor airflow. Check the soil moisture level and drainage, and ensure good air circulation. Adjust watering and move the plant away from drafts or stagnant areas to improve the condition.

Turning yellow?
This could be a sign of too much direct sunlight or too much water. Move your plant to a shadier spot and adjust your watering schedule. You can also check the soil to make sure it's not too wet.

Leaves starting to curl?
This could be a sign of not enough water or humidity. Try increasing your watering frequency or misting your plant with water. You can also place a tray of water near your plant or use a humidifier to increase humidity levels.

Starting to bloom?
Cacti and succulents typically produce flowers in response to changes in light or temperature. Look for buds or changes in the color or texture of your plant's leaves. Once it blooms, you may notice new growth or "pups" around the base of the parent plant.



The central ‘cup’ of the plant should be filled with tepid clean water upon arrival.


Ensure the central cup of the Bromeliad Cryptanthus plant is consistently filled with water, but avoid overwatering to prevent root rot. Change the water weekly to maintain freshness.


Place the Bromeliad Cryptanthus plant in a well-lit area with indirect sunlight, avoiding direct exposure to prevent leaf scorching. Position it near a window with filtered light or in a bright room to provide the optimal light conditions for healthy growth.


Use a well-draining potting mix specifically formulated for bromeliads or orchids. A mix containing peat moss, perlite, and bark works well. Avoid using heavy soils that retain moisture, as it can cause root rot.

Desert Rose


 It is normal that leaves fall of when the watering is insufficient, they will grow back oncewatered. Place them in direct sunlight with warm temperatures.


Adenium Obesum plants have a unique water requirement. Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings, and then thoroughly water the plant until water drains out from the bottom of the pot. Avoid overwatering, as it can lead to root rot. During the dormant period in winter, reduce watering frequency.

Light & Placement

Adenium Obesum plants thrive in bright, direct sunlight. Place them in a location where they can receive at least 6-8 hours of sunlight per day. A south-facing window or a sunny spot in your garden is ideal.


Use a well-draining soil mix specifically formulated for succulents and cacti. A mix containing perlite, sand, and potting soil works well. Ensure the pot has drainage holes to prevent waterlogging.